new website logo

New logo is complete!

After refreshing myself on how to use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, I was able to finalize the site’s new logo. I need to come up with some sort of cool text logo with the letters now (TPP) and then maybe incorporate that as well or just use it in a different stand alone way in … Read more


Hello there! My name is Ryan and I am your host here at The Productive Pooper.

Where do I even start? Being productive can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people, so you and only you can decide subjectively how to want to interpret the information that you find here. Maybe you want to get some ideas of how to find your ZEN whilst doing your business. Perhaps you are interested in planning a vacation and you want to use your time in the bathroom to work on that. Whatever your reasons are, I am here to help.

This is my first ever website/blog, so please bear with me as I navigate through the process of creating useful content and growing a following. I am excited about this adventure with you! My friends and family think I am super weird for coming up with this idea, but I just have a gut feeling that something special is here.

Please feel free to reach out with your thoughts and questions. Have a spectacular day!